Why is he so selfish?

Mary and Paul met in medical school and fell in love. Years after leaving school, they were still very fond of themselves and the love between them grew stronger. They decided to get married. Regardless of how busy their schedules were, working in different hospitals and very committed in church, the friendship between them was intact.

Seven years later, they had three children and life was busier. Mary decided to stop work so as to give the children optimum care and attention. Paul carried on working for the family.

Paul often returned very tired with one goal in mind – to sleep. Mary felt he was not being supportive, leaving her alone to care for their children. They talked less and spent less time together; the passion they shared waned as they grew apart.

What can be done to restore the romance in this marriage?

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Photo credit: themagdaleneproject


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About the Author

Chidi & Victor Akunna are leading voices on marital romance and family life. They are passionate about helping individuals, couples and organisations build sustainable and valuable relationships, and testimonials abound. They are authors of many articles and books. They partner in the administration of “Romance Masterclass” – a coaching programme and “Lite the FIRE” workshop – a couples’ romance makeover intervention. Together, they write “Connected Hearts” – a leading daily devotional on spicing up marital romance and strengthening families. They also oversee the operations of Foundation for Family Affairs – a charity focused on strengthening families around the globe. Feel free to enjoy the resources available here!

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