Choosing your ‘Escape’ Location by Chidi and Victor Akunna

One key thing that can be overwhelming for couples is choosing where to go for their vacation. In fact, if not properly managed, it can temporarily ruin the fun. Some couples have had to cancel the trip all together, because they could not reach an agreement on where to go.

According to Stephen Covey, one of the habits of highly effective people is that they begin with the end in mind. Hence, long before your agreed date, have a talk about the theme of your vacation. What type of a vacation do you want? Do you want relaxation, adventures, Skiing, Safari…? Agreeing on this will greatly help you sift through the myriads of options.

The process of choosing should bring you together, not move you apart. It is wise to focus on the need of the marriage. Do your best to meet each other halfway. Insisting on your needs is selfish and “marriage is brutal on selfish people” | Jimmy Evans

Photo credit: Love spanky
ACTION POINT: When planning together, do your best to accommodate everyone’s needs and feelings.

Chidi & Victor Akunna
Romance and Intimacy Catalysts

…raising romantic and intimate couples across the globe!

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About the Author

Chidi & Victor Akunna are leading voices on marital romance and family life. They are passionate about helping individuals, couples and organisations build sustainable and valuable relationships, and testimonials abound. They are authors of many articles and books. They partner in the administration of “Romance Masterclass” – a coaching programme and “Lite the FIRE” workshop – a couples’ romance makeover intervention. Together, they write “Connected Hearts” – a leading daily devotional on spicing up marital romance and strengthening families. They also oversee the operations of Foundation for Family Affairs – a charity focused on strengthening families around the globe. Feel free to enjoy the resources available here!

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