June 2015

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The Involved Father

By Glenn Stanton Fathers are just as essential to healthy child development as mothers. Psychology Today explained, “Fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual…


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Hang Out: How important is sex to you?

William: Hmm, lol, it’s nice we are all guys here so we can express ourselves. For me, sex is important, it is a tool for bonding with my spouse. It’s the height of emotional, physical…


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Girls’ Time Out: What makes you feel secure?

Gemma: This is an important question because security is a big thing for me. I really don’t understand it when men stop ‘chasing’ their wives after they marry them. Personally, it triggers a feeling of…


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‘Workaholism’ A Marital Cheat!

We started a series yesterday about the subtle messages being projected by Hollywood movies and how we can learn from them. Today, we shall be looking at workaholism. When you become a celebrity, it’s like…


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Lessons from Hollywood marriages!

Sometime ago, I saw an interview on one of the leading TV networks of a fan of Marilyn Monroe. He adored her so much that he spent a fortune acquiring her pictures, clothes, statutes, framed…



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