
Happy Wedding Anniversary! By Victor Akunna

“Happy Wedding Anniversary!”, people wished the fantastic couple. It was a mini-party of close friends, siblings and their children. It was an awesome place to be; the ambience, the music and the food were royal….

I don’t Trust You By Victor Akunna

Sometimes, how we see marriage determines the experience we get from it. I have seen people married to exceptional men/women, but they still expect the worst. What do you do when despite your best effort…

Character by Chidi and Victor Akunna

Sandra: Why do you find it hard to keep your promises? Every time you give your word, it’s as though I am hearing a politician speak. The worst thing is that our children seem to…

How did we get this far? by Chidi Akunna

With Jane’s consent (real name withheld), I have decided to share this experience for the benefit of someone out there. “I had an argument with my husband that escalated; in no time, we engaged in…


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