
When Love Hurts

[wysija_form id=”1″]Love is one of the most celebrated phenomenon. As you watch movies, read books, listen to people talk, you are bound to come across one love story or the other. A good example is…


Synergy: The Benefit of Marriage!

One of the benefits of marriage is synergy. Couples should be able to leverage on the strengths, competencies and knowledge they both bring into the marriage. This implies that every spouse must see visible improvement…


”How I wish I married him”

We will be discussing ‘attitude of gratitude’. We have seen individuals who wish they married someone else. They look at other couples and wish they had their marriage, their type of husband or wife. It…


That Programme Almost Wrecked Me!

Today, we would be listening to Travis’s story about ‘skipping’ the wrong TV programme. Travis: It’s true that as a man thinks in heart, so he is. I have always believed that I could control…



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