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Romance and The 7 Lies Day 2

Romance and The 7 Lies Lie 2: Romance is for newly Weds. Fact: Romance is for any couple who desires long term marital success! Chidi & Victor Akunna Romance & Relationship Catalysts Authors, Spicy Romance…


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Romance And The 7 Lies- Day 1

Romance and The 7 Lies Lie 1: Romance is about sex, period! Fact: Romance is beyond sex, it is the heroic sacrifices you carry out daily in the pursuit of your spouse’s heart, attention and…


Spicy Romance – “I Don’t Care Anymore!”

Yesterday, we talked about how operating the autopilot system impacts on our ability to spice up our marital romance. Today, we shall be taking it further by discussing yet another Spicy Romance tip. One of…


Spicy Romance: When the Bottom Drops!

I read a report by the National Business Aviation Association, USA in which it was pointed out that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) raised a safety alert, strongly urging pilots to rely less on the…



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